
New Style Blue Avatar Costume Lycra Spandex Tailored

I have done a search earlier for the avatar costumes and found some, but later I was always told by the stores that they are out of stock. Today I have finally found a style of avatar suits, which is available to purchase.

This new suit is designed without the hood, gloves and socks, while the overall style is binding closer to the original appearance. There's a bold tail at back, waistband at front, grey color.

The light blue avatar costume is tailored by lycra spandex, with the dark blue camouflage on the suit.
Blue Avatar Lycra Spandex Zentai Costume
It's a turtle neck suit, so for the face part, we could do the paintings ourselves, and do it whatever way we wish. The good news is, compared with the previous full body versions, it's sold at $35.99 only, about ten bucks cheaper. I think it's reasonable priced, great for the coming holidays wear.

