
Dark Green Lycra Spandex Zentai Suits

Things have been going crazy here, and there's news about the local traffic accident just happened a few hours ago. It happened at a road which has a lot of cars jammed together, as there's a short road maintenance there (to move away a tree fell off on the road from a truck by accident). Suddenly another truck, from another direction, quickly smashed itself into the queue, and later it's said the brake's lost.

The dangerous while interesting part is, a bus was pushed off the road by the power, but lucky enough to be stopped by a pole so only some people got hurt, and no one left us during the process.
Dark Green Lycra Spandex Mummy Bag Zentai Suit

So we could see the importance of the poles. Do you see the importance of the zentai suits for followers of this fashion like me? Today let's enjoy a random photo of a dark green lycra spandex zentai suits. If you watch carefully, could you tell me where the hands/arms have gone? Yes, this is a green mummy bag, hehe.

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