
Red Lycra Spandex Zentai Suits

This post is about some red lycra spandex zentai suits, inspired by some photos from others in forum. Red is definately one of the base colors, for unicolor zentai costumes, and also good to use when we want to try multiple layers all one body at the same time, because red could be strong constrast with other colors. Here I listed out some different degree of red, for your review.
Red Lycra Spandex Zentai Suit    $24.99
Standard Red Lycra Spandex Zentai Outfits    $26.99
These two suits are the most standard red colors in our general view, and the red looks very bright, also suitable as base suits for performance costumes, or if you want to paint on a suit. Compared with above two, the below one is more reddish, with a dark tone.
Deep Red Lycra Spandex Zentai Costume    $35.99
Orange Red Lycra Spandex Zentai Suits     $36.99
Compared all these, the one I love most, with the most beautiful red color, and also the price's very worthwhile, about 10 dollars lower than similar dark red color below, please check follows:
Pure Red Lycra Spandex Zentai Suit    $25.99
Actually red is also one of my favourate color for daily costume wear. I hope you like the red zentai suits I recommend here.

There's one more post, of red suits, with photos by others: http://lycrazentaisuits.blogspot.com/2011/04/red-layered-lycra-spandex-zentai-suits.html

