I haven't bought or worn any fursuits before, except random looks once or twice somewhere on the internet. Recently I have known a friend who's getting a lot of fun, and also delivered a lot of pleasure to others, by wearing fursuits and joining various cons and activities. This really makes me know better of this special costumes, and my understanding is, it's the furry cloth tailored costumes, which are in the shape of different animals. When putting that on, you will be totally encased in the costumes.
Sweet Fursuit Photo by Baccala |
Although the surface looks quite different, but the fursuits and
zentai suits share one same theme: fully encased, fully coverage, and fully hidden of current identity. After encased in these suits, we could become another creature, and the new appearance, could bring in a lot of fun to your friends and pals. It's a kind of giving, to create the pleasure and laughter this way, to make the life happier.
One thing I do care about fursuits is the hotness inside. Knowing now that it's also decided by the quality/material used for the suits. I think I may get one this winter, and see how it feels.
And just imagined a joking idea. I will get a fursuit with the hood easily removable, then after encased in it, having some fun, I will put off the hood, then when everyone's expecting to see my face, their familiar friend, there's a faceless guy showing: I am still encased in a
zentai suit. Will that be fun? Just imagine the surprised faces.