
Black Camouflage Zentai Suit - New Style

There's a storm this afternoon, and a lesson got is: Don't park the car beside trees at the storm or windy weather. Why? On my way home, I saw a car parked beside a tree, and the tree's blown down by wind, hit heavely on the top of the car. Wish the owner has insurance for things like this.

Back to the topic, compared with shiny metallic zentai suits, I love lycra ones more, because the shinny ones look too glossy sometimes. So sometimes when I wear that at home, it doesn't feel too right. Today I have found a new style black shiny metallic zentai suit with very classic camouflage. Really love it because it's not so shiny as others, and overall looks very elegant. I want to share it here.

The black camouflage zentai suit comes as full body, and delicate floral pattern is in similar color. Only checked with close speculation, you could see the the real appearance of it.
Full Body Black Camouflage Zentai Suit
The suit comes as full body covered, but you could require custom features, to make it personal, such as removable gloves and socks, add in zippers, etc. I really want to buy it for a party costume.

