
Orange Lycra Spandex Zentai Suits

If you want to know why I always talk about these colors which remind us of heat and hot, I don't know for sure either. After red, orange lycra spandex zentai suits may remind us of warmth, and this is a color I love even more, especially in winter. It's a warm while tender color, without the passion of fire which could burn everything into ashes.

I write this post, to share some old photos about the orange lycra spandex zentai suits. Today a friend from forum has commented on the red suits photos and required that he loves the orange ones more. This reminds me of the existence of these photos, and I am glad to share. They are modeled and taken by friends too.

From the background you could see that they are taken in the bathroom. The suit's worn for fun during a travel.
Orange Lycra Spandex Zentai Suit

Orange Unicolor Lycra Spandex Suit in the Mirror

What you could do to wear a zentai suit in bathroom?
-Take a shower - Be careful not to get yourself choked with water. Lycra becomes harder to breath with water.
-Tidy your moustach  - If you could still see them.
-Make a good hair style, and show them out of the hood
-Watch yourself in the mirror

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Male Orange Lycra Spandex Zentai Suits

